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Why do I Fidget?

Though perfectly normal, fidgeting can cause other people to become distracted, frustrated, angry, or annoyed by your constant movements. From moving a paper clip around on the table during a meeting, to tapping your foot when talking with a co-worker, your fidgeting may lead others to think that you’re bored, stressed out, anxious, untrustworthy, angry, or unorganized.

Rather than feel ashamed that you feel compelled to move around in your chair when sitting for too long, or you chew on your pen caps during the day, you should embrace your fidgeting habits as part of your personality while also recognizing the fact that some people find fidgeting distracting. Luckily, there are a few ways to fidget without anyone knowing.

From investing in anti stress toys desk fidget toys for adults to limiting physical movements when in public, you can alter your behavior just enough so you can fidget when you need to without your co-workers noticing. Depending on your fidgeting habits, situations that cause you to fidget, and the amount of interaction you have with other people during the day, making small adjustments to how and when you fidget shouldn’t be that difficult.

Create a Fidget Schedule

Schedule fidget sessions in the morning before anyone arrives at work, in the afternoon while eating lunch in your office, or at the end of the day after returning home or when settling in before bedtime. You can schedule one or more fidget sessions depending on your needs.

Think of this time as you would any deep breathing, meditation, or short workout session. Fidgeting helps your body and brain remain alert but relaxed. If you have a stressful job, if you’re staying at home with young kids, or if you want to help your brain stay awake during the day, fidgeting with a sensory toy, small object, or with your hands and feet can help.

We do all sorts of things to help stay calm, relaxed, and to refresh and reinvigorate the mind and body. We visit spas, we exercise, we try to get enough sleep, we try to eat a healthy diet, why not take some time for fidgeting? And unlike trips to the spa, you won’t have to spend a small fortune or spend hours at a time trying to relax.

Creating a fidget schedule also allows you to take control over who sees you and who doesn’t. For example, if you have an office mate that’s easily distracted by repetitive noises like toe and finger tapping, schedule fidget sessions for when they aren’t in your office. If co-workers have complained about your fidgeting during meetings or other lengthy public events, try to avoid fidgeting during these times.

Investing in a small, noiseless fidget toy or strip can make all the difference. These sensory toys allow you to fidget without becoming a distraction to others. You can take sensory toys with you when you travel, and you can keep them tucked away in your desk at work or home.

Finding the Best Sensory Toys

Because so many people find fidgeting relaxing and calming, you can easily find sensory toys to suit your work or home environment. Fidget Strips, spinners, noisemakers, light flashers, even video games provide a way to fidget without making people feel strange or insecure.

If you work around lots of people, choosing a small, quiet toy is probably your best option. When selecting a sensory toy, consider all the ways you fidget. Do you use your hands? Do you move your feet around? Do you need an object to push or pull? Do you like to scratch or touch a rough or smooth surface? Do you like to chew on pen caps and other items? Do you need to move your arms and legs?

Understanding how you fidget will help when it comes to selecting the anti stress toys desk fidget toys for adults that provides the most comfort. In addition, you should also consider visual and tactile stimulation because how something looks and feels may also influence how relaxed and calm you feel.

Some people rely on one toy while others need two or more toys to maintain adequate stimulation and interest.

Another factor to consider is why you fidget in the first place. Do you fidget every day without thinking about it? Do you fidget when under stress? Do you fidget when you’re nervous or anxious?

You may have to try out several sensory toys before finding the one that works best for you and your environment. That’s ok! Most toys are inexpensive so you won’t have to worry about making a huge financial blunder if you select the wrong toy.

A fidget toy allows you to fidget whenever you want without causing a distraction to others. If you keep your sensory toy on your desk, most people won’t even notice it’s there. Place your fidget toy with other knick-knacks and the toy will blend in with other items in your office.

Limit Physical Movements

If you sit for long periods during the workday, you will need to fidget a little bit to help your brain and your body stay awake. When implementing a fidgeting schedule isn’t possible, consider training yourself to make small fidget movements instead of rapid, loud, or sweeping stretching movements that other people notice.

For example, if you move your feet and legs around often when sitting, consider moving your feet and toes rather than your feet and legs. Smaller movements like bending or curling your toes make less noise than shuffling your feet or repeatedly stretching your legs.

If you tap your fingers loudly or rapidly for prolonged periods on your desk, computer, or table, consider slowing down your movements, tap every other finger, or using a sensory toy instead to give your fingers and hands something to manipulate.

Chewing on pen caps and other items may seem unhygienic to some people. Consider chewing gum, breath mints, or hard candy instead. You can fidget with your gum or hard candy without distracting others.

Limiting physical movements shouldn’t interfere with the feelings of calm and comfort you feel when fidgeting. Developing good fidgeting habits allow you to reap the benefits of moving around without causing other people to become frustrated or angry with you.

Take some time to think about how you fidget and then try to find ways to modify your movements so they seem less obvious to others.

About Fidget Strips

Fidget Strips provide the perfect surface for light scratching, rubbing, and touching. If you typically fidget using your fingers, office supplies, or other objects, these strips allow you to get the same feelings of calm and satisfaction without distracting those around you! With a strong adhesive backing, these strips fit tightly on any smooth surface to provide years of use.

Stick these strips on notebooks, legal pads, cell phones, laptops, tablets, backpacks, and other surfaces for convenience. Choose between satin or rough texture to suit your needs. Available in a 5-pack, you can use these strips at work, at home, or when traveling. Never worry about other people judging you for fidgeting ever again!

Unlike other sensory toys that light up or make noise, Fidget Strips provide a quiet way for you to fidget. If you’re the type that needs to fidget when under stress, or when you feel overwhelmed, these strips provide hours of calming sensation. When you need to focus, reach for your sensory strip. If you need to restore feelings of calm while dealing with stress and anxiety, all you have to do is reach for one of these strips.

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