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How to Get Fidgety Kids to Do Their Homework

Getting fidgety kids to do their homework can sometimes try a parent’s patience. Helping kids maintain focus, sit still for long periods, and retain some of what they learn requires a daily routine and a solid game plan. Depending on the kid’s age, parents may have to try several approaches until they find one that works.

Fidgety kids are capable of learning, they just need a little extra coaxing and reminding to keep them focused. Breaking up homework time into smaller chunks, offering little rewards like a fidget toy, and allowing plenty of time for running and playing before homework time can all help when it comes time to sit and focus on homework.

Parents also need to give themselves a break when it comes to keeping kids focused. In fact, parents may need fidgeting adult toys to stay calm and relaxed as some days will be better than others. Kids naturally gravitate toward certain subjects while trying to avoid others. Over time, parents will be able to tell which subjects interest their kids and which ones do not. Then it simply becomes a matter of maintaining interest and focus on subjects kids find less interesting.

Make Time for Play

Kids have lots of energy. They need to run, jump, spin, move their arms and legs, skip, and engage in many other movements for the healthy development of muscles and joints. Moving around also helps kids develop a strong immune system, keeps their brains active, and helps them get a good night’s sleep.

Because many schools have limited recess and physical education options, kids spend less time during the day moving around. Before settling in to do homework, send your kids outside to play for at least an hour. If you don’t want your kids to play outside, let them play inside. Engaging in some form of physical activity will help your kids focus on their homework. This is especially true for fidgety kids. Some kids simply have more energy than other kids.

Making time for play helps stimulate imagination, enhances problem-solving skills, and improves socialization skills. Even kids who engage in self-play get something out of letting their minds roam free for a while. Keep a toy box or shelf stocked with various toys for your kids to play with. You can fill a toy box with any kinds of toys you want including fidget pack toys – just make sure you give your kids plenty of time to play and get out all that extra energy.

Scheduling playtime at the same time each day helps kids develop daily routines. Create a schedule that includes playtime, snack, homework time, and other times you want to add to the schedule. As your kids get older, you can modify the schedule to include household chores and afterschool activities.

It’s Homework Time!

When scheduling a time for getting homework done, it’s important to know how much homework your kids typically receive every day and how long it should take to complete it. For fidgety kids, schedule homework time after playtime. Your kids should be less active at this time, but alert enough to get their homework done.

If your kids can’t concentrate when working in the same area, split your kids up and set up homework areas in separate rooms of your home. Give fidgety kids a fidget toy to hold or manipulate when reading or watching videos, lectures, etc. Having something small to fidget with can help kids remain in their seats for longer periods.

You may notice that your kids have more energy at the beginning of the week than at the end of the week. Adjust the homework schedule as necessary to make sure your kids have enough energy to complete homework assignments, study for tests, or complete projects.

Depending on the subject, your kids may get their work done quickly or drag their feet until the work is done. This is normal as everyone has their strengths, weaknesses, and interests when it comes to school subjects and homework.

Allow your kids to move their hands and feet around, tap their toes and fingers, or use a fidget pack toy when working on their homework. If you try to prevent fidgeting, your kid may focus on trying to fidget rather than focusing on the homework assignment.

Fidgeting isn’t a bad thing, it’s simply a way for the body and brain to stay awake and alert.

The Reward System

If your kids need a little more coaxing to get their homework done, consider offering a small reward for their hard work. A sticker, a piece of candy, or small fidget toys may be enough to prompt your kids to plow through their daily assignments.

Other rewards include food, later bedtime, an increase in allowance, or having a friend over for a play date. Keep rewards small so that kids don’t feel overwhelmed or rushed to get their homework done so they can have their reward. Make it clear that you expect them to finish the assignment and that you will check it before offering the reward.

For fidgety kids, a reward may help reduce fidgeting as your kids will have something to think about while completing their homework.

The Importance of Patience and Empathy

Getting kids to do their homework will be easy on some days, more difficult on other days. Patience and empathy allow you to remain calm and in control when setting play and homework schedules, when offering rewards, and when trying to get your kids to finish their homework before dinner.

As a parent, you want the best for your kids. Fidgety kids just need a little more time playing and running around before settling in to do their homework. If your kid does well in school, has a pleasant attitude, doesn’t appear stressed out or depressed, and has plenty of energy to play and complete homework assignments, let them fidget.

Give your kids fidget packs to teach them how to fidget without bothering other people. If teachers, parents, and others have commented on your kid’s fidgeting, then you should find ways to encourage fidgeting quietly.

With many fidget toys on the market, you will be able to find suitable toys that your kid will enjoy manipulating and moving around when sitting for long periods. Shaming kids to get them to stop fidgeting won’t work. Shaming your kids may cause stress and anxiety. Teach your kids how to fidget responsibly, and you’ll find that homework time will be much more enjoyable for all of you.

About Fidget Strips

If your kid needs a little help staying focused during homework time, Fidget Strips can help! By scratching, rubbing, or touching the strip, kids will remain seated and interested when reading, watching a lecture, or when finishing worksheets, tests, and other assignments. These strips help reduce anxiety, stress while helping to retain focus.

Our 5-pack fidget packs provide a textured surface for fidgeting for every kid in your household, Adults can use these adult toys too! Simply place the strip on a smooth surface to use. You can also remove the strip whenever you want to stick it somewhere else. The rough or satiny strip provides a durable surface for fidgeting.

To clean these strips, all you have to do is wipe them down with warm water and a soft cloth. We recommend that you avoid placing strips near bathtubs, sinks, and other areas near water as the water could weaken the adhesive backing. Perfect for traveling, school, work, or at home, these versatile toys help kids and adults concentrate when completing homework and other activities where they have to sit for long periods.

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