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PTSD and Fidgeting

Over time, anxiety can cause various health issues ranging from headaches and muscle soreness to cardiovascular issues, central nervous system issues, and digestive issues. Anxiety can also cause depression, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), loneliness, and social isolation.

Feelings of anxiety affect children, teens, and adults. Whether you’re stressed out at work or you have a personal issue that’s causing problems in your life, anxiety can sneak in there and cause some real damage to your health and well-being if you don’t find ways to reduce or eliminate it.

Dealing with issues and situations is one of the best ways to overcome anxiety. But when you have limited control over these issues, you need to find ways to reduce feelings of anxiety so you can remain healthy and productive.

Adult fidget toys, meditation, deep breathing, and regular exercise can all help keep anxiety in check. Making time for yourself is one of the best ways to destress, gather your thoughts, and put together a game plan for tackling stressful issues in your life.

Short-Term Health Effects

Even short-term health effects from anxiety should never be ignored as these issues can lead to bigger health problems if left untreated. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, headaches, upset stomach, muscle aches, and increased blood pressure can all occur when you’re feeling anxious.

Depending on the issues causing your anxiety, you may experience one or more of these symptoms for a very short period. In some cases, you may have an anxiety attack and experience multiple symptoms at once. This can be very scary, especially if you’ve never experienced an anxiety attack before.

To help keep yourself calm, use an adult fidget toy with during the day. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed out, when you start to experience one or more of these short-term health issues, reach for your sensory toy and use it to steady your breathing and bring your heart rate back to normal.

Other ways to reduce or prevent these health issues include deep breathing and meditation, resolving the issues causing your anxiety, exercising, and getting enough sleep. In some cases, therapy may be the answer. Talking with another person about the issues causing your anxiety can help you find healthy solutions or help you deal with any potential outcomes, setbacks, and disappointments the situation may cause.

Long-Term Health Effects

If left untreated, anxiety can cause damaging long-term health issues such as increased risk of heart disease, lowered immune system function, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. So on top of dealing with a situation that causes chronic anxiety, you may also have to deal with severe health issues.

Anxiety is not something you should ignore. Young children, teens, and adults can become anxious after stressing over an issue or situation that negatively affects them. The longer you wait to deal with anxiety, the longer it will take to overcome it.

If you’re experiencing any long-term health effects from anxiety, you should seek medical advice from your physician to prevent these health issues from getting worse. You may need therapy, medication, nutritional advice, and other treatments to stop these issues from progressing.

Unfortunately, long-term health effects from anxiety can cause you to become even more anxious, which can lead to even more health issues. It’s important that you break this cycle for yourself or for someone you care about so you don’t go through life carrying anxious feelings with you.

How Anxiety Affects Emotional and Mental Health

Anxiety affects emotional and mental health in the same ways it can affect your physical health. From small bouts of depression to lingering feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, anxiety can cause negative short-term and long-term effects on your emotional and mental health.

Prolonged feelings of stress and anxiety signal the brain to start producing stress hormones that can help you remain alert and ready to act during a stressful situation. Your body uses these hormones on a very limited scale to help you overcome immediate threats. However, when anxious, your brain will continue to flood your body with these hormones. Over time, these hormones can cause severe depression and traumatic stress.

The ability to think clearly when stressed and anxious helps you find solutions quickly. When flooded with stress hormones, your ability to think things through becomes diminished, causing you to make bad decisions.

Continuing to take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health during times of stress is very important. Seeking medical help remains one of the best defenses against permanent damage caused by anxiety. With many treatment available for children, teens, and adults, your physician can recommend the best options.

3 Ways to Reduce Feelings of Anxiety

Managing your anxiety requires you to find ways to release and manage stress. Understanding where your stress comes from is the first step in managing anxiety. Once you pinpoint where stress is coming from, you need to find ways to avoid, reduce, or eliminate these stressors. You may need to find a new job, end a toxic relationship, or find ways to ease financial burdens.

Here are three ways to reduce anxious feelings so you can protect your physical, emotional, and mental health:

– Engage in activities that you find fun and enjoyable. Whether you enjoy meeting friends for dinner, playing sports, working out, fidgeting with anxiety relief items for teens, adults, and children, learning something new, or sleeping in on the weekends, find ways to participate in activities that make you feel happy.

When engaged in an enjoyable activity, your brain releases good-feeling hormones that lift your mood and make you feel better. These hormones can also help increase your body’s immune response to help protect you from illness and disease.

– Talk to someone about the issues causing your anxiety. Call a friend, visit a therapist, or talk with your physician. Talking with another person can help you find solutions to stressful situations before your anxiety starts taking a toll on your health.

Find someone who can listen and offer advice only when asked. The point is to talk to someone who genuinely wants to help. In many cases, a therapist may be the best option.

– Look for positive ways to reduce stress and anxiety in your life overall. Addressing specific issues that cause you stress allows you to move on and prevents anxiety from setting in. If you’re constantly suffering from anxiety, you may need to make big changes to keep stress and anxiety from ruining your life.

About Fidget Strips

Fidget Strips help reduce stress and anxiety by providing a satiny or rough textured surface that you can rub, lightly scratch, or touch whenever you start to feel anxious. Repetitive movements help soothe and calm while distracting you from the issues in your life that cause stress.

Each Fidget Strip 5-pack features five durable strips that you can easily place on any smooth surface. Available in black, blue-green, and yellow-red, these strips also provide visual stimulation to help you stay focused. Because stressful situations that cause anxiety require lots of thought and contemplation to find the right solutions, you, your child, or your teen may need a fidget toy or other anxiety relief items for teens that are always around when you need them.

Perfect for traveling, these strips can help reduce feelings of anxiety when flying or when traveling far from home. Place the strip on your cell phone or laptop to use during take-off or when landing to help you remain calm. Suitable for all social situations, use this strip to prevent boredom during long meetings or when having difficult conversations with other people.

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